CWP/CSP Legal Documents

At Common Wholesale Platform/ Common Switching Platform (CWP/CSP), we prioritise transparency and clarity in all our interactions. Below you will find important documents and information regarding our services, terms, and policies.

  • Document
Version Date Link
  • CWP Rules
v.1.1 7-Apr-22 link
  • CWP Rules
v2.1 12-Jun-24 link
  • Terms & Conditions
v.1.0 14-Aug-2021 link
  • Privacy Policy
v.1.0 14-Aug-2021 link
  • Free CSP Membership offer until the OTS Hub Launch date Terms & Conditions 
v.1.0 1-March-24 link

Please take the time to review these documents thoroughly to understand your rights and obligations when using our services.

For any questions or clarifications regarding the contents of these documents, please don’t hesitate to contact us via [email protected].

Thank you for choosing Common Wholesale Platform/ Common Switching Platform (CWP/CSP). We look forward to bringing you value!